Think Spiritual Warfare …Special Ops Training
March 26-27th at 6pmCST
“Every true believer that walks this Christian life understands that life is a spiritual battle. Many Christians are clueless and underestimate this. Nonetheless, we cannot run away from the truth that we are in a war. “
🔥 We can either choose to combat or be overthrown. Many of us are not encountering any warfare because we have long given up and become defeated and the enemy doesn’t bother you anymore.
🔥Spiritual warfare is about withstanding the adversary, his baits, and his ambushes. It is about gaining victory, dominion and regions for God.
If you truly don't understand spiritual warfare, please do NOT try to engage without authorization and jurisdiction from the Kingdom of God. Many try and initiate a fight that was unauthorized, and you wonder why the attack is so great.
In this class you’ll:
🧩Understand Kingdom Strategies
📚Understand the Night Watches⚔️
🙏🏽How to Pray Without Ceasing
⏰The Hours to Pray
🎯How to Target
🤐When to be Silent 🤫
📃Worksheets Given
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